弋舟 | 《所有路的尽头》
The tone of The End of All Roads is restrained and sober, solemn and sad. The narrative is prompted by an exploration of Xing Zhiping’s death, and a linking of different recollections by various characters creates its structure. The multiple intersections between the different characters’ accounts lead the reader nearer and nearer to the truth of what happened.
The utter despair of Xing Zhiping at the end of the story reveals a secret of the era. In the process of pondering Xing Zhiping’s motives for suicide, the loneliness of those involved is exposed. It implies that living requires belief, and once this belief is destroyed, the blow is fatal for the believer. This is why Xing Zhiping committed suicide. The implications of the novella are not only concerned with the plight and fight of a single generation. It also casts a light on the modern society: thick pollution, uncertain direction, and a lonely person sleeping in a bath house. In short, the novella’s significance lies in the author’s observations and ponderings of life. Even though what the novella relates is full of confusion, resoluteness, suffering, and detachment, it never ceases in its pursuit of the positive energy.
Yi Zhou is adept at unearthing and handling material that deals directly with human nature. The novella is rich with innovative themes and grasps the author’s artistic potential. The material is profound, the feeling gloomy, and his psychological depictions exquisite. The form is mature and the style is self-aware. It is considered to be both readable and enchanting.
Author Profile
Yi Zhou is the penname of Zou Yizhou. He was born in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, in 1972 and now lives in Lanzhou, Gansu Province. He started to publish literary works in 2000 and in 2008 he joined the China Writers Association. As one of the writers representing the 1970s generation, Yi Zhou has received numerous awards. Many of his works have appeared in important literary publications and have been handpicked for inclusion in annual selected writing collections. His writings have repeatedly appeared in the annual rankings by the China Novel Association and Contemporary Chinese Literature. His principal works include the novel The Year of Being Lame, Tadpole, War, Spring and Autumn Error, the nonfictional novel I Am Too Lonely in This World, and the collections The Cards in Our Hand, All Stories, and Yi Zhou’s Novels.
Yi Zhou’s novella The End of All Roads is the final work of his Liu Xiaodong series. The narrator, Liu Xiaodong, has a common Chinese male name. This narrator relates the difficulties the youth in the 1980s faced, and the difficulties they now face as the middle-aged of the present day. Liu Xiaodong’s narration is prompted by the suicide of wealthy Xing Zhiping. The resulting meticulously detailed examination into the suicide deeply explores the spirit of the era.
The text is divided into eight parts. Within these sections, different characters relate events from their individual standpoints. Besides the narrator who is a friend celebrating two birthdays with Xing, other characters include Xing Zhiping’s old classmates, teachers, ex-wife, and a poet who was his idol. Each of them tells their tale of Xing Zhiping, but none provide definite answers to the story’s central questions. Instead, threads are left for Liu Xiaodong and the reader to follow and decipher. This created an interesting organization and structure for the story. Yi Zhou’s analysis of a suicide merely provides a framework upon which he can contrast meanings while discussing his own memories of the 1980s. By paralleling that era with the excessive materialism of modern society, Yi Zhou is able to display a sharp contrast.
The End of All Roads contains the essence of the 1980s: poets living at the heart of turbulent times, the meek hiding themselves away, painters drifting about in a panic, and a group of youths who still had idealism shining in their eyes entering society. Their wings, however, are soon weighed down by storms – storms that eventually leave them scattered and lost and wandering without aim. This novella provides a rough outline of the 1980s where both individuals and social aspects of that era are revealed.